Sophia Anwar

Sophia Anwar

Denton Central Appraisal District Board, Place 2, Denton County, TX

2024 Endorsement

Sophia, a Texas native, is dedicated to serving her community and is currently vying for a seat on the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors-Place 2. With a background in both state and federal government roles, Sophia aims to bring efficiency and transparency to Denton County government. Her involvement as a United Way of Denton County Board Member and with the Denton County Workforce Solutions Leadership Team has given her insight into the challenges faced by local residents.

Sophia's civic engagement includes participation in programs like Leadership Lewisville and co-founding a young professionals organization with the Lewisville Chamber of Commerce. Growing up as the daughter of an immigrant small business owner has given Sophia a unique perspective on the impact of property taxes on businesses, schools, and families. Her experience as the Chief of Staff for the Texas House of Representatives has provided her with valuable knowledge on policy issues in North Texas. Sophia is dedicated to making Denton County a premier destination for families and homeowners.