Jordan Villarreal

Jordan Villarreal

Central Appraisal District Board of Directors, Place 3, Denton, TX

2024 Endorsement

Jordan, a UNT graduate and Planning and Zoning Commissioner, is a dedicated Denton County resident and 7th generation Texan. Throughout nearly a decade in Denton, Jordan has been actively involved in advocating for positive change within the community. Whether through his roles in the Rotary club or LULAC, Jordan prioritizes giving back to the city that holds a special place in his heart.

In his two terms as Commissioner, Jordan has consistently championed the preservation of Denton County's unique character and quality of life. He has taken a firm stand against issues such as gentrification and overdevelopment, always prioritizing the voices and concerns of local residents. Jordan's commitment to open communication and listening to community feedback sets him apart in his role.

Originally from the DFW Metroplex, Jordan is proud to now reside in Denton, specifically in the Villages of Carmel neighborhood in south Denton. Outside of his community work, Jordan finds joy in spending time with his family, including his nephews, mother, whom he visits weekly for church and lunch, and his beloved rescue dog, Huey.