Jermany Gray

County Election Commission, District 3, Hinds County, MS

2024 Endorsement

Jermany, a candidate for election commissioner in Hinds County District 3, aims to elevate the election commission's service to the citizens of Hinds County. Originally from Jackson, MS, Jermany is motivated by the ballot shortage in the last general election and seeks to restore faith in the commission's election conduct. Having a background advocating for comprehensive sexual education in high school, Jermany has a strong foundation in community activism.

In his plan for the role, Jermany prioritizes transparency, accountability, and accessibility of the commission. He aims to live-stream all commission meetings, expand voter outreach and education efforts, and streamline guidance procedures for commissioners. If successful, Jermany would become the youngest elected commissioner in the county, driven by his belief in making a difference with his actions.

Jermany's vision includes encouraging more young individuals to pursue public office, reflecting a broader call for new voices and perspectives in leadership positions. By focusing on enhancing the election process and engaging with the community, Jermany Gray is committed to making meaningful contributions as the next Hinds County Election Commissioner.