Kelsey Waits

Hastings School Board ISD 200, MN

2021 Endorsement

Kelsey is a community activist, mother, and PhD student at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Kelsey is seeking re-election to the Hastings School Board where she currently serves as Board Chair. Over the last four years on the board, Kelsey has advocated for more equitable schools, environmentally friendly practices, and financial responsibility. She has also worked hard to ensure that community voices are represented at the decision-making table, advocating for School District transparency as well as intentional outreach to traditionally marginalized communities.

Outside of her School Board and graduate school roles, Kelsey also serves on various committees including: Hastings Environmental Protectors, OutFront Minnesota Action (an LGBTQ+ advocacy group), and the Friends of the Library Board. Kelsey is the mother of two amazing children, two dogs, two adorable rabbits, and three gerbils.

Kelsey would love to the opportunity to continue representing her community on the school board and to be a voice for equitable practices that ensure each and every child in her district has the opportunity to reach their full potential.