Jon Haddad

Westland City Council, MI

2021 Endorsement

When Jon was working in the banking industry, he saw so many people who barely had enough to get by. From senior citizens living from Social Security check to Social Security check, to young people hampered by student loans (including him), he knew I had to make a change.

Jon decided to get involved in politics to make the world a better place for all families, not just those that can afford it. He knew what it was like to wait for the next paycheck to come, watching his parents calculate every bill to the last penny and deciding which they could pay and which they couldn’t. As a child, his family couldn’t afford many vacations, his relaxation came from local parks and libraries running in the woods as well as playscapes and enjoying the creeks and rivers. Jon wants to run for Westland City council to ensure that every family including the ones like his have access to maintained, safe, and accessible public amenities.