Evan A. Shields

Florida House, District 107, FL

2022 Endorsement

Evan is a business leader, educator and community organizer running to be the champion for affordability that our diverse community needs in the Florida State House. Florida's the 15th largest economy in the world, yet Miami-Dade's one of the most unaffordable places in the U.S. for working families to live. That's why Evan's fighting for a growth agenda that empowers ALL of us and takes our community and state to the next level, investing in affordable housing, climate resiliency and workforce development for tomorrow's careers.

Evan grew up in a family of teachers, preachers and steelworkers, raised on three values that guide his leadership today: work hard, give grace, and lead through service. After graduating college from the University of Virginia, Evan joined Teach For America and became a high-school math teacher in low-income schools. While teaching, Evan began community organizing to empower his students and their families, and he's never looked back since. Impassioned to serve communities through economic growth, he went on to earn an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Real Estate & Entrepreneurship.

As a business leader, Evan has helped invest over $4.0 billion in affordable housing, infrastructure and public-private partnerships that have helped house more than 22.000 low-income families and seniors across Florida and the country. Today, at age 31, he is one of the youngest Black executives in the U.S. as Chief Operating Officer for Sol-REIT. In his role, Evan's democratizing clean energy finance so more households and businesses have access to solar energy. He has the unique experience, courage and fresh vision to fight for Miami-Dade in the Florida State House.