Jackie Glass

Jackie Glass

Norfolk City Council, Superward 7, VA

2021 Endorsement

Over the past year and a half, Jackie watched women hold this city together and families make a way out of no way. From the health and education systems, to the service industry and everything in between, very little local policy has been enacted to support those who have kept Norfolk operating.

For two years, Jackie worked on a childcare entrepreneurship program where lack of funding stalled her efforts. When CARES money hit, Jackie saw it as an opportunity to creatively solve the childcare crisis and to create small business owners. She found local leadership to be resistant to her efforts and dismissive of improving human infrastructure, and it hurt.

That's when it hit her. Her city needs a foresighted city council that can creatively solve problems and builds bridges. Literally and figuratively. This requires a value of our public infrastructure, our human infrastructure, and our care infrastructure. Our concerns and solutions are to not be met with unlimited red tape or avoidance. But with the ABC of local governance: accountability, boldness, and coalitions.

When Jackie thinks about the post-COVID road to recovery from the crises of affordable childcare, educational gap, or quality of life in the City of Norfolk (which were already present before COVID), she wants someone on council a think critically, collaborate, and problem-solve with empathy. Jackie is running to improve the quality of life through governance that fosters the empowerment and independence of women and families.