Precious Singo

Precious Singo

New Albany Plain Local School Board of Education, OH

2021 Endorsement

Precious is running for New Albany Board of Education because she believes in her gut that we can do better. She believes that there is an opportunity for our Board to have stronger connections with the students, teachers, and community at large. After reading a student-led Instagram account, which spoke to a myriad of micro-aggressions the students were experiencing, and listening to parents and teachers, Precious got the resounding sense that there were groups that didn’t feel seen, that felt like they need a special password to be heard, that didn’t feel represented.

As a UX Designer by trade, Precious gets paid to listen and find solutions for a living, so this felt like a huge gap. She saw the need of having someone in the room that can say “but what about (insert group)?” She saw the need for having liaison groups with the main stakeholders- the families, students, and teachers. Instead of sitting on the sideline waiting for someone else to step up, Precious did what her mother taught her. She became the change she wanted to see in the world. At the end of the day Precious is a parent who is passionate about her community, its families, its teachers, and its students and will bring them all together.