Augusta Y. Christensen

Augusta Y. Christensen

Maryland House, District 46, MD

2022 Endorsement

Augusta is a lifelong Marylander and experienced political professional running for State Delegate in MD-46 (Baltimore City). After helping Democratic women run for office for nearly ten years, she is now answering the call to serve and running herself. From her beginnings as an anti-war and reproductive rights activist to her years managing field programs for statewide campaigns, she understands the importance of meeting voters where they are and proactively working to meet their needs.

Augusta is running for this open seat because she loves Baltimore and believes that the city’s best days are yet to come. And given her personal experiences - as a waitress, a community college alum, and someone who has lost loved ones to suicide and addiction - she has a unique understanding of the problems facing Baltimore. Baltimore is at a crossroads: we can either finally join the wave of 21st century urbanization by fully investing in public transportation, public education, sustainable, community-centered development, and local small businesses, or fall farther behind.

Augusta is a proud graduate of Maryland public schools, alumna of community college, and holds a BA in political science from Swarthmore College. She lives in the Federal Hill neighborhood of Baltimore with her husband Erick.