Alicia Donahue

Alicia Donahue

Minnesota Senate, District 54, MN

2022 Endorsement

Alicia is a wife, stepmom, clinical social worker, community organizer, and social justice advocate. She is a leader and co-founder of Women's March Minnesota, bringing 100,000+ Minnesotans together in 2017 when the nation was facing dividing policies. At the march, she saw the power of hope and organizing to create a brighter future.

Elected leaders and policies continue to divide communities. Alicia is running for the Minnesota State Senate because her community is tired of politics as usual, and Minnesotans deserve leaders who are more interested in people than they are in power.

Once elected, Alicia will do what it takes to revitalize the economy – ensuring the working class can pay their bills and put food on the table for their families. She will create a robust educational system that truly meets children’s needs, and she won’t stop until everyone has access to quality, affordable healthcare when they need it most, including reproductive healthcare.

As a master’s level clinical social worker with 18 years of community experience, Alicia has a proven track record of fighting for those marginalized and silenced by society, and she will work in the Minnesota State Senate to build a stronger and thriving Minnesota community.