Natalia Hussey-Burdick

Natalia Hussey-Burdick

Hawaii House, District 50, HI

2022 Endorsement

Natalia is born and raised in House District 50, and has worked in the Hawaii State legislature for the past six years, writing bills, tracking bills, and serving various communities across the islands. She graduated with a Biology degree (pre-med), because she enjoys science and has a passion for helping people, but after working on policy she realized that her calling is truly to help people through legislation. Instead of just treating cancer for one patient, she would rather investigate why everyone in a rural town near a pesticide test field seems to have cancer, and pass measures to ensure that never happens again.

Natalia also runs a leadership training program to identify community leaders across the islands and empower them to run for office, building a movement of educators, farmers, students, lawyers, parents, and business owners who are working toward the deep systemic changes that are so desperately needed today.

When faced with an open seat in her district, she was unable to find a candidate to support who has been as involved as she is in community issues like protecting clean drinking water, responsible development, and addressing the homelessness crisis. Recognizing that we need more women in office, especially now that Roe V. Wade has been overturned, she decided it was time to step up and run serve her community directly in the State House of Representatives.