Aaron Wagner

Robbinsdale City Council, Ward 4, MN

2022 Endorsement

Aaron is running for Robbinsdale's City Council because he wants to empower the working people of his city. He knows that policies like a city-wide $15 minimum wage, sick and safe time, and expanding public transit options in Robbinsdale will do just that. He is ready and eager to fight for those things and more.

Aaron is a proud member of MAPE Local 802, Twin Cities DSA, and the Minnesota DFL. He is passionate about labor politics and firmly believes in the right for workers to form a union and negotiate for fair wages and workplace safety. This commitment to working people extends beyond unions. He believes that the working class should have the ultimate say in how they are governed. No one else knows themselves or their communities better. Aaron would be honored to serve the residents of Ward 4 to help recognize this vision.

Aaron has been an information technology worker for over seven years. Keeping in line with his value of public service, he recently worked in the IT department of a local university and currently works for the State of Minnesota.