Eva Burch

Arizona Senate, District 9, AZ

2022 Endorsement

I am a lifelong Arizonan, a mother of two young children, and have been a nurse for over ten years, and a nurse practitioner for the last three years. I am running for office to help advocate for the fundamental needs of everyday Arizonans. I am committed to listening to the people of my district and bringing their concerns to the table with a focus on collaborative, common sense solutions that reflect their needs and values. I will work towards an Arizona where high-quality education is the standard regardless of the wealth of the community. Arizona students deserve qualified, well-paid teachers and schools must have access to books, technology, support staff, nutrition, and equipment that best supports students and teachers. I believe that every Arizonan should have access to affordable, high quality health care regardless of their income or insurance status. Families should not go bankrupt over medical bills and we must create a system that does not leave children, aging adults, or the poor behind. I want to create an Arizona where safe and affordable housing is accessible to everyone. Where first time home buyers have realistic opportunities and resources to get into homes, and renters have protection against predatory price-gouging and drastic rent increases. Finally, nothing could be more fundamental to our democracy than our right to vote, and I promise to work diligently in the senate to maintain that right and to make sure that every Arizonan has equal access to their voting power, including the option to vote by mail. I will push back against voter suppression legislation while also working hard to maintain the integrity and security of our elections. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we elect progressive leaders to bring these necessary changes to our state.