Marcus Bedinger

Marcus Bedinger

City Commission, At-Large, Dayton, OH

2023 Endorsement

Marcus, a Dayton, OH resident, is a dedicated community advocate with a professional career that makes him an expert on the challenging issues faced by his community. As a retail manager, Marcus has a deep understanding of the need to raise wages and connect people to high-paying jobs with union protections. With two young children, Marcus also understands the importance of providing access to quality public schools, healthcare, and healthy food for all residents.

Growing up in Dayton, Marcus witnessed first-hand the challenges faced by the community, including food scarcity, inadequate public schools and transportation, and the effects of urban blight. Being a resident of the west side of Dayton has given him unique insight and personal experience with these issues. This personal perspective has inspired him to pursue community advocacy and eventually enter politics.

Marcus has worked as a congressional staffer, which provided valuable experience in navigating the complex world of government policy. He has combined his lived experience with his professional expertise to become a champion for community issues. His goal as Dayton City Commissioner is to bring lasting changes to the city, ensuring that every resident has access to the resources they need to thrive.

Running on a platform of addressing low-income neighborhoods' struggles with blight, providing quality transportation options, and fighting for access to quality healthcare, Marcus is dedicated to serving his community. He is committed to being a voice for the underrepresented and making Dayton a better place for all its residents.