Ashlie Castaldo

Ashlie Castaldo

City Council, At-Large, Duluth, MN

2023 Endorsement

Ashlie, an autistic disability advocate, freelance contractor, and digital marketing director, is a dedicated candidate for Duluth City Councilor At-Large. With a strong belief in the importance of government serving the needs of its citizens, she is committed to ensuring equitable access to services and safety for all.

As a lifelong resident of Duluth, Ashlie understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing her community. Housing, increasing wages, and investing in families are at the forefront of her campaign. Recognizing the importance of affordable housing, she advocates for incorporating rental rights in municipal development agreements, ensuring that residents have fair and sustainable housing options.

In addition, Ashlie is a forward thinker who is not afraid to address emerging issues. With the impending cannabis legalization, she believes in the importance of taking a proactive approach and formulating responsible policies. By working towards a comprehensive plan, she aims to ensure that the community is well-prepared to navigate the changes that will come with legalization.

Ashlie's deep commitment to her hometown is evident in her unwavering dedication to its future. Through her advocacy work and community involvement, she has demonstrated a passion for making Duluth a better place for all its residents. As a City Councilor, she will bring her unique perspective and drive to effect positive change.

Ashlie is a candidate who values inclusivity, fairness, and progress. With her experience and dedication, she is well-prepared to represent the interests of the community and contribute to the continued growth and development of Duluth.