Jaime Martinez

Jaime Martinez

School Board, North Allegheny, PA

2023 Endorsement

Jaime is a dedicated and driven leader committed to serving his community. Jaime's passion for public service began during his time at North Allegheny, where he graduated with honors and received the prestigious Eagle Scout award. With a desire to make a positive impact in his community, Jaime served twice as a student representative on the board, gaining valuable experience and insight into how school boards function.

Jaime's commitment to effecting change in North Allegheny inspired him to co-found NA For Change, a youth-led coalition focused on empowering students and amplifying the voices of marginalized groups within the school system. The organization was recently recognized for its outstanding efforts with the Emerging Leadership Award from the largest civil rights organization in Southwestern Pennsylvania.

Jaime's extensive background and experience provide him with a unique perspective on the practical impact of school board decisions on students and staff. As such, he is of the firm belief that forward-thinking and consensus-based leadership is necessary to ensure the continued success of the North Allegheny community.

With a strong focus on bridge-building and excellence, Jaime is ready to take on the role of a vocal and proactive leader in his community. His passion for public service, alongside his determination to drive positive change, makes him an ideal candidate for advancing the needs and goals of North Allegheny.