Eleana Little

Eleana Little

County Executive, Hudson County, NJ

2023 Endorsement

Eleana is a dedicated environmental engineer, advocate for progressive policies, Democratic Committeewoman, and former president of the esteemed Harsimus Cove Association. A long-time resident of Jersey City, Eleana has seen first-hand the plight of ordinary citizens in the area, grappling with problems ranging from steep rent hikes, increasing flood risks, unsafe roads, and affordability challenges.

What sets Eleana apart is her genuine belief that county officials should tirelessly serve the people, rather than simply paying lip-service to the concerns of politicos and their affluent allies. As someone who struggles with the everyday issues faced by her constituents, Eleana has an in-depth knowledge of the difficulties facing working-class families and marginalized communities.

With sharp analytical skills and a natural leadership ability, Eleana has made tangible contributions that have impacted numerous communities in the region. She is a champion of environmental justice, routinely pushing for sustainable development and measures that protect the environment for future generations. Her dedication to social justice issues is equally legendary, exemplified by her tireless efforts to ensure that all residents have equal access to essential services and resources.

Whether she's working behind the scenes or on the front lines, Eleana's passion for positive change and dedication to service is an inspiration to many in the community. Her ability to bring people together, foster dialogue and build consensus has resulted in real-world solutions that have benefited countless families and individuals in the region. Eleana's leadership, passion, and commitment to serve at the highest level ensure that county officials remain accountable to the people they represent.