Sheila Alvarado

Sheila Alvarado

County Commissioner, At-Large, Lehigh County, PA

2023 Endorsement

Sheila is a dedicated and accomplished individual who has a deep passion for making a difference in her community. As a first-generation college graduate, she understands the challenges that many families in our communities face. Born and raised in the heart of Allentown, Sheila completed her bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Puerto Rico while living on the island.

Having been a resident of Lehigh County for over 20 years, Sheila is deeply rooted in the community and is committed to being a community leader. She takes great pride in being a parent to children attending public schools. Sheila's civic engagement began as a volunteer at the polls, igniting her passion for running for office and making an even more significant impact on her community. This marks her debut as a candidate for public office, as she aims to represent the people of her community and inspire more Latinos to pursue public office.

Sheila's personal background has greatly shaped her understanding of the struggles faced by families who have limited English proficiency and work long hours in manufacturing companies. She has gained diverse experiences working in the private sector, the non-profit arena, and currently serves in state government. Her dedication and expertise make her a highly qualified candidate for public office.

When she's not busy with her professional and community responsibilities, you can find Sheila enjoying her downtime. She has a passion for cooking, fishing, and cherishes quality time spent with her family. Additionally, she actively serves on the Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority.

Sheila's drive, experience, and commitment to her community make her an outstanding candidate who is poised to make a positive impact in public office. Her personal journey and understanding of local challenges make her relatable and attuned to the needs of the people she hopes to represent.