Karen Hoak

Karen Hoak

Town Board, At-Large, Hamburg, NY

2023 Endorsement

Raised in Hamburg, Karen is deeply connected to the community and is passionate about making it a welcoming place to raise families. With a career in the construction industry that began in 2007, she has gained experience in various projects throughout Western NY, focusing on creating safe and functional roadways and bridges for the public.

In 2019, Karen was elected to the Hamburg Town Board as a Councilmember, representing a significant population of over 60,000 residents. As a dedicated public servant, she actively contributes to shaping the community's future by collaborating on the annual budget and the passage of local laws. In addition, Karen fulfills the important role of serving as a liaison to various departments such as Hamburg Police, Public Safety, Domestic Violence, and Planning, as well as multiple Town committees.

Beyond her responsibilities as an elected official, she has also demonstrated their commitment to promoting equality and inclusion. Karen founded the Hamburg Coalition for Equity and Inclusion (HCEI), engaging the community in initiatives that foster fairness and diversity. Furthermore, she co-founded the annual Hamburg Pride in the Park event, aiming to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community.

With her extensive experience and strong dedication to the community, Karen continues to make a positive impact on Hamburg, working towards a more inclusive and prosperous future for all residents.