Jonathan Horton

Jonathan Horton

City Council, District 4, Pasadena, CA

2024 Endorsement

Jonathan is a proud resident of Pasadena with a deep connection to his community. With a strong passion for service, Jonathan has dedicated his career to advocating for the residents of Pasadena and California's 28th Congressional District. As a federal caseworker, he has assisted countless families with various issues, ranging from housing to immigration to veterans affairs.

Throughout his years, Jonathan has actively engaged with District 4 residents, actively seeking out solutions to the problems that affect them. His commitment to his community has driven him to run for office, aiming to be an active leader who brings positive change.

With a growing concern for issues like homelessness and affordability, Jonathan has developed a clear vision for Pasadena. His vision focuses on ensuring housing for all residents and creating a city that is inclusive and affordable. He hopes that District 4 residents will share his vision and support his pursuit of a thriving and prosperous Pasadena.