Tashé Allen

Tashé Allen

County Board, District 3, Clayton County, GA

2024 Endorsement

Tashé is dedicated to advocating for her community in Clayton County District 3. With a strong focus on community, compassion, and service, Tashé brings a fresh perspective and a genuine passion for public service to the table. Her vision for the county is one of opportunity, support, and safety, driven by her extensive experience and love for the people she serves. Tashé's positive outlook and sense of humor make her a joy to work with, while her authenticity and dedication set her apart as a trustworthy leader. She believes in pushing the boundaries to actively pursue improvement and progress for her community, going above and beyond to create a vibrant, prosperous, and inclusive environment. Tashé is committed to raising the bar and ensuring that Clayton County receives the very best leadership it deserves.