Gabriel Kussin

Gabriel Kussin

Judge, District 24, Guilford County, NC

2024 Endorsement

Gabriel is a candidate for District Court Judge in Guilford County, driven by his unwavering belief in treating every individual with dignity, respect, and empathy within our court system. Recognizing the significance of each person's presence in court – whether as a victim, defendant, plaintiff, witness, or family member – Gabriel is committed to ensuring that everyone's needs are truly heard and addressed.

With a background as a North Carolina native, former teacher, and afterschool program coordinator, Gabriel brings a depth of experience and a genuine dedication to public service to his candidacy. Currently serving as an Assistant Public Defender, he has witnessed firsthand the impact of fair and compassionate judicial decision-making. Furthermore, as the son of a Puerto Rican community activist, Gabriel holds a unique perspective, keenly aware of the diverse needs within Guilford County.

If elected, Gabriel would proudly become the first Latino judge in the history of Guilford County, which, with a Latinx population accounting for 10%, carries considerable weight. He recognizes the disproportionate impact that the criminal and civil justice system can have on Black and Brown communities. Therefore, he firmly believes that his election would represent a significant step forward towards justice and equity for those who come before the court.

With Gabriel's unwavering experience, dedication to public service, and genuine compassion, he possesses the qualities necessary to bring about positive change in the lives of the individuals who seek resolution within Guilford County's court system.