Brett Robinson

Brett Robinson

State House, District 130, TX

2024 Endorsement

Brett is a dedicated graduate student at the University of Houston, where he is pursuing a Masters in Public Administration, set to be completed this May. Throughout his college years, Brett has shown a strong commitment to community service. From mentoring incoming freshmen in the Cub Camp program to advocating for student inclusivity in Student Government and registering students and Third Ward residents to vote as UH Democrats Vice President, Brett has always been actively involved. His passion for service, combined with the advanced teachings in leadership, public management, and policy implementation from the MPA program, positions Brett as an ideal candidate for State Representative.

Having resided in Cypress for fifteen years, Brett possesses a deep understanding of the unique needs and concerns of his community. Contemplating a political career for some time, Brett was motivated to take action when the loss of abortion rights reached a tipping point. His opponent, the author of the controversial Heartbeat Act, is responsible for a law that is deemed overly extreme and harmful to women and doctors alike. Brett feels compelled to hold his opponent accountable by shedding light on this extremism and providing his community with an alternative on the ballot.

If elected, Brett has outlined key priorities that focus on restoring reproductive freedom, tackling income inequality, and safeguarding public education. To delve deeper into his stance on these crucial matters and to stay updated on his campaign, follow Brett on TikTok @brett4texas.