Jessica Cifuentes

Jessica Cifuentes

School Board, OKCPS School Board District 3, Oklahoma City, OK

2024 Endorsement

Jessica grew up in Oklahoma City and has always been driven by a passion for education and volunteerism. She began her educational journey at James Buchanan Elementary and later graduated as valedictorian from ASTEC Middle and High School. With her hard work and dedication, Jessica earned over half a million dollars in scholarship opportunities. She then went on to pursue her degree in Materials Science Engineering at Emory University, where she also completed all pre-medicine requirements.

Currently, Jessica is attending Career Tech, focusing on Surgical Technology and Phlebotomy. Her ultimate goal is to attend medical school and become a surgeon. Throughout her educational journey, Jessica has been actively involved in extracurricular activities and civic organizations, allowing her to develop strong leadership skills.

Jessica understands first-hand the challenges faced by 90% of OKCPS students living in poverty, as well as the specific obstacles that nearly 60% of Hispanic students encounter in navigating the education system. With her deep understanding of these issues, she aims to bring about positive change by addressing the needs of bilingual families and expanding learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.

Additionally, Jessica is passionate about helping students plan for their future careers and providing STEAM enrichment opportunities. She also recognizes the importance of recruiting and retaining talented teachers and support staff. Through her dedication and commitment, Jessica is determined to make a lasting impact on the education system and improve the lives of all students in her community.