Donald D. Dantzler Jr.

Donald D. Dantzler Jr.

City Council, District 3 Seat 6, Fitchburg, WI

2024 Endorsement

Donald is a candidate for city council in District 3, driven by his belief in community involvement for positive outcomes. With a background in professional and educational settings that foster engagement, Donald seeks to be an actively involved member of the city council, focusing on issues like transportation, housing, and education in Fitchburg. He advocates for improved transportation options to connect neighbors, affordable housing solutions for all income levels, and enhanced educational resources for children to bridge opportunity gaps in the city. Donald's dedication to community service goes beyond just attending meetings; he aims to create a more engaged and enriched environment for all residents of Fitchburg. Through prioritizing inclusive projects and policies, Donald strives to make a meaningful difference in the lives of his constituents, emphasizing the importance of actions over empty promises.