Hannah King

Hannah King

City Council, Ward 8, Burlington, VT

2024 Endorsement

Hannah is a renter, student, and the daughter of a single mother. Growing up with a father in construction and a mother who is a proud healthcare worker and union member, Hannah's personal experiences have shaped her dedication to advancing actionable progressive policy. Through her own lived experiences, Hannah intimately understands the challenges that many of her neighbors in Ward 8 face on a daily basis.

Hannah has made it her mission to tirelessly advocate for her Ward 8 community. She has been actively involved in initiatives that prioritize more affordable housing options, comprehensive climate policy, and public safety measures that benefit everyone.

With a deep-rooted commitment to improving the lives of her fellow community members, Hannah is dedicated to pushing for real and tangible change. Her unique perspective and unwavering drive make her a powerful voice for the people of Ward 8.