Shanaè Joyce-Stringer

Shanaè Joyce-Stringer

Mayor, Eugene, OR

2024 Endorsement

Shanaè, an educator and entrepreneur, is running for mayor of Eugene. With a background in education and business, she offers a unique perspective on local governance focused on compassion and addressing issues directly. Shanaè, a millennial leader and community advocate, has been involved in various advisory roles, working to remove barriers and increase access to resources for youth and families in Eugene. Building on her family's tradition of community service, she has expanded educational, artistic, cultural, and health opportunities in the area. Shanaè is passionate about inclusivity and is dedicated to creating a more prosperous Eugene for all residents, particularly focusing on housing, economic growth, and public health. She is committed to driving positive change and is eager to use her innovative approach to bring real progress to the community. Shanaè is determined to propel Eugene towards a better future.