Brandell Adams
2020 Endorsement
Brandell was raised in Saginaw County and attended Saginaw Public Schools as well as Bridgeport Public Schools. He is a graduate of Bridgeport Community High School and has distinguished himself in academic pursuits and working to strengthen the community through local church initiatives and within the Democratic Party. Brandell obtained his Associates of Science in Business from Cornerstone University and his Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from Saginaw Valley State University. He has nearly fifteen years of business experience based in the hotel and hospitality industry.
Before seeking to serve the community in public office, Brandell volunteered in several local churches, most notably, Old Town Christian Outreach Center and visiting shut-ins at many of Saginaw’s nursing facilities. He also studied under some of Saginaw’s most accomplished community organizers and with this experience, realized how important it is to partner with the disenfranchised, allowing them to engage in local politics and create positive change. Brandell has worked within the Saginaw County Democratic Party for some time, supporting local candidates and fundraising for the party and is also a member of the NAACP. After calls from the community, the party and loved ones to run himself, he heeded the call.
The well being of the 95th District is a top priority for Brandell and he wants to continue to dedicate his life to seeing that the great citizens and families of this district continue to grow and thrive, that local businesses are dynamic, expand and create opportunity and that its schools are producing accomplished and engaging students that will fuel the continued rise of the Greater Saginaw Area. Join him as becomes the next 95th District State Representative and together, create a brighter future for our community.