Erncy Dumornay

City of Sunrise Commission - Seat D, FL

2020 Endorsement

Erncy Dumornay has been a City of Sunrise Resident for over 10 years. As a neighbor in the community, he has made it his mission to play a pivotal role in supporting our city. He was appointed to the Education Advisory board by Mayor Michael Ryan and currently serves as the Co-Chairman for the City of Sunrise Education Advisory Board.

Erncy is running for the City of Sunrise Commissioner Seat D to serve our Sunrise community. Erncy’s experience in the financial industry offers our commission diversity in perspective and the financial discipline to continue our economic prosperity. The City of Sunrise is growing and attracting wonderful citizens and businesses. As we grow, he’d like to serve our Residents by Focusing on these key Areas: Redevelopment, Reinvestment and Reassurance. With your help and support we can continue the journey together in making Sunrise the safest and most desired community in South Florida.