Derek LaMontagne

Mayor, Port Orange, FL

2024 Endorsement

Derek, a proud native of Port Orange and a Spruce Creek High School valedictorian, is deeply committed to protecting the city's natural areas and resources. With a passion for environmental conservation, he actively engages with various non-profit organizations to advocate for sustainable development practices and community well-being. Derek strongly opposes harmful developments that threaten the city's environmental integrity and public health. He is dedicated to preserving Port Orange's forests and wetlands, and promoting transparency and accountability within the local government.

As a concerned citizen, Derek has successfully challenged government decisions that prioritize corporate interests over community welfare. Notably, he played a pivotal role in the advocacy against the proposed I-95 Interchange in the sensitive Spruce Creek wetlands. To support Derek's efforts to safeguard Port Orange's natural beauty and quality of life, individuals can visit for volunteering opportunities, donations, or additional information. Join Derek in his mission to uphold environmental values and empower residents for a sustainable future.