Merleyn Bell

Merleyn Bell

House District 45, Oklahoma, OK

2018 Endorsement

Merleyn Bell is a fifth-generation Oklahoman. She has answered the call to serve throughout her life. She serves on the United Way of Norman Health and Safety Council and has volunteered for a number of local nonprofits including Food and Shelter for Friends, Full Circle Adult Day Center, and Thunderbird Clubhouse.

Merleyn is an alumna of Leadership Norman and a member of the Norman Chamber of Commerce. She created the public radio program Race Matters in partnership with KGOU Radio as a forum for conversations with leading experts on the topic of race.

Merleyn's dedication to Norman has given her deep insights into the community and a clear vision for Oklahoma’s future. She will encourage increased funding that provides for high-quality public education, access to affordable healthcare, and the revitalization of our state’s infrastructure.