Casey Smagala

Casey Smagala

Chicago Alderperson, 39th Ward, IL

2019 Endorsement

Casey was the middle son of seven children and grew up in the small town of Constantine, MI. His father is a tool and die maker, and his mother helped run their family manufacturing company. He’s incredibly proud of his blue collar roots: 'Seeing my parents wake up before 4:30am every morning showed me the value of hard work!'

Casey moved to the 39th Ward in 2008 to earn his degree and play football at North Park University. While earning his degree in politics with a focus on urban planning, Casey was elected President of his student body, captain of the football team, and became actively involved in economic and community development projects. He helped organize the Taste of Albany Park for students and residents to sample food from local independent businesses.

After graduation, Casey went to work for the under- and unemployed people in our community at the Albany Park Community Center (APCC). He helped manage a million-dollar grant to train community members for in-demand industries. He now serves at the Director of Individual Giving and Community Engagement for APCC where he helps raise resources for the children, parents, and programs. It’s a position he’s held for more than five years and is deeply passionate about!

In addition to his full-time position at APCC, Casey is an active civic leader and volunteer in neighborhoods across the 39th Ward. He served on the Board of Directors for the North River Commission for four years, focusing on economic development and education issues in the Northwest Side. He’s been elected twice to the Local School Council at Roosevelt High School as Community Representative, where he’s forming their Friends Of fundraising group and Advisory Council to their Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the The Well of Mercy, a women’s shelter for mothers and their children. He’s an active member of the Queen of All Saints Men’s club in Sauganash and volunteers many summer mornings at the farmer’s market in Edgebook. He helped form and plan the Albany Park World Fest and Bikes, Bites, & Brews Fest in Mayfair.