Lindsey Dougherty

House of Delegates, District 62, Chester, VA

2019 Endorsement

Lindsey comes from a working class family that values hard work and effective, representative government. She is a mom to two young children, one of which has an autoimmune disorder that impacts his physical and mental health, and regularly has to fight with their insurance company to have treatments covered. Families should not have to choose between quality affordable healthcare and putting food on the table.

Professionally, Lindsey is a budget analyst for local government, overseeing a portfolio of departments totaling $85M of annual operating and capital budgets. Through this work, and in her previous work in juvenile justice and working on health outcomes at the local and state level, she firmly believe that the changes our community needs are not going to come from Virginia’s current leadership.

A new, more representative, voice is needed for our children and education, our families and healthcare, and in comprehensive criminal justice reform.